I finally make myself to transfer photos from my camera. LOL !
And now I'm using Lappy to do the blogging. Something wrong with my desktop again. Which same old problem , can't connected to the internet >.<
And this lappy really driving me crazy too ! Because IT SO LAGGING LAH !
Okay I think I'll update part by part. Just to prevent from lagging :D

I had changed the uniform already. Wahahahaha !
So cool , Kiddy Palace change uniform every year lah :D

Cam-whored @ bus , I always do that -,-!
Sorry lah , I got nothing to do at bus ever since my Mp3 spoil >.<

Introduce to everyone , the green shirt is LEVIAN :D
LOL ! I tell you guys she's a funny person. I will laugh whenever I talk to her.
But sadly was , nowadays there's some people complain to my superior that we talk too much already ! KNS !!!!!!
Okay , hold on to next post please !
And now I'm using Lappy to do the blogging. Something wrong with my desktop again. Which same old problem , can't connected to the internet >.<
And this lappy really driving me crazy too ! Because IT SO LAGGING LAH !
Okay I think I'll update part by part. Just to prevent from lagging :D
I had changed the uniform already. Wahahahaha !
So cool , Kiddy Palace change uniform every year lah :D
Cam-whored @ bus , I always do that -,-!
Sorry lah , I got nothing to do at bus ever since my Mp3 spoil >.<
Introduce to everyone , the green shirt is LEVIAN :D
LOL ! I tell you guys she's a funny person. I will laugh whenever I talk to her.
But sadly was , nowadays there's some people complain to my superior that we talk too much already ! KNS !!!!!!
Okay , hold on to next post please !