12 November 2008

我不喜欢长大 , 也不想长大
我觉得成为一个大人 , 很累
她的出现 , 是一个奇迹 , 让我感到非常不可思议
我告诉自己无论发生什么事 , 我必须要坚强 ............................................................................................................................................................................

为了她 , 我必须要有一个更美好的未来 :)

LOL , am I emo-ing ? Haha ! Whatever , because I always thought write in Chinese is more better. But it seems like ?!?????? Nevermind. Try harder next time.
I seriously having alot problem now :(

Last two week my Tiffany suffer from diarreah. This week she suffer from fever , cough and flu.
I bring her to the Doctor , same old thing ''Is a unseen virus spreading around''.
I truly want to remind everyone of you , If you're not feeling well or fallen sick please stay at home instead of going out. If not you won't know you might spread to others >.<
Thanks :)

Don't know what's going on with the earth now. Sigh :(
I only know I have been missing her.

Levian suddenly come to me than she say , ''工作很累,但有一个孩子更累''.
Than I look at her back with a confuse reaction and ask her , ''为什么?''.
Levian : 因为我每天看到你在想念你的女儿 , 我觉得这样很累.
Me : 你不会明白的 :)

She understand me ? Maybe :)