01 November 2008

Serious Sickness :'(

Doctor say I had a serious sickness. And this sickness is so special.
And the sickness call '' CAM-WHORED SICKNESS ''
I would cam-whored whenever I go , whatever I do :(

Let's proceed to my super hiong Cam-whored seasons :)

A bit COCK EYES :'(

Blur !

Eyes not looking at the camera ! KNS !#$^#

Never smile.

Hmmmmm.......... I think this is better. BUT MY HAIR IS MESSY !!!!!!

Not bad arh. But .... but.... MY EYE BAG !!!

I don't know why must I act like I'm SUPER SWEET LIKE THAT ?

Want smile ? Don't want smile ? KNS !$#@%

Okay , done with my Cam-whore seasons :)
Not any of them is perfect , KANINABEIKUKUBIRD !
Another 2 hour more I had to headed down to Far East Plaza and do my hair :)