Last three days having Fish Head dinner at China Town with only hubby and me :)
So shiok lah :D , I really loves fish a lot. Especially Steam Fish , I don't know why during my pregnancy whenever I smell fish will make me feel disgusting >.<
Whatever lah. Some picture to share with you guys :) Enjoy !

Haha. He always look like that whenever I take his picture >.<

Watermelon Juice and Orange Juice :D

Cheers Cheers or Yam Seng ?!?

My smile so fake >.<

Still like abit fake lehs ?

This better. But my eyes on the left ?!?

Yeah Yeah , this is better lah !

Haha. Retarded pose !!

YESSS , this is the one I love the most. Fish Head :D

I don't know whats this call. But hubby like :D
Yeah , thats all for the picture. We only order this two dish , because we're not really hungry. Just want find something to eat. HAHA.
Last two days , something happen. My pay day also my bankrrup day >.<
Nevermind lah. Anyway I make new friedns at my work place. Her name is Levian , we always call her ''Fu Fu''. I think is her nick name ?
But then she's from Malaysian. I always talk to her very often , I think she's so nice to chat lah.
Everything goes very smoothly. Nowadays my manager starts to compliant that I'm super talkative. Haha. She's just kidding lah. I like her so much , she's so nice and same time like to make us laugh :DD
I feel real happy to work there. Even the working hours so long. Cusotomer so nasty. No matter what our manager always think for us first :)
I like them :DD
Alright I'll stop here. If possible show you guys Levian Photos :D
Bye People.
So shiok lah :D , I really loves fish a lot. Especially Steam Fish , I don't know why during my pregnancy whenever I smell fish will make me feel disgusting >.<
Whatever lah. Some picture to share with you guys :) Enjoy !
Haha. He always look like that whenever I take his picture >.<
Watermelon Juice and Orange Juice :D
Cheers Cheers or Yam Seng ?!?
My smile so fake >.<
Still like abit fake lehs ?
This better. But my eyes on the left ?!?
Yeah Yeah , this is better lah !
Haha. Retarded pose !!
YESSS , this is the one I love the most. Fish Head :D
I don't know whats this call. But hubby like :D
Yeah , thats all for the picture. We only order this two dish , because we're not really hungry. Just want find something to eat. HAHA.
Last two days , something happen. My pay day also my bankrrup day >.<
Nevermind lah. Anyway I make new friedns at my work place. Her name is Levian , we always call her ''Fu Fu''. I think is her nick name ?
But then she's from Malaysian. I always talk to her very often , I think she's so nice to chat lah.
Everything goes very smoothly. Nowadays my manager starts to compliant that I'm super talkative. Haha. She's just kidding lah. I like her so much , she's so nice and same time like to make us laugh :DD
I feel real happy to work there. Even the working hours so long. Cusotomer so nasty. No matter what our manager always think for us first :)
I like them :DD
Alright I'll stop here. If possible show you guys Levian Photos :D
Bye People.