Don't laugh >.<
My hair looks very fake ! Because I went to dye black my hair.
Which I really want to , I don't like my hair to be colored >.<
So the hair stylist recommend me Black-Blue color , but anyways I don't see any blue also.
Haha :D
Can't be bother so much too , as long as its black again !

Look like I'm wearing a wig right ? Hees >.<
Anyway today was my 2nd off day of the week. Means 1 week I got 2 off day.
Which is so nice to me :)
That's why I had time to do my hair. And morning we went to park way , mom actually brought a new stroller for precious.
Because the old want already spoil I think. This time round we brought much more better than the previous ones and its come with pink color :)
Cost my mom about 200 plus. But I told my mom that I will gave her 100bucks when hubby gave me my allowance for this week.
The stroller is not with me now , so I can't post it up to show you guys. Will do it when the stroller is with me :)
After my hairdo , I actually make myself down all the way to Sambawang and visit my precious.
I really miss her lah !
She actually enjoy so much at Cher's house. HAHA.
Such a relief when I see her playing so happily with Cruz (Cher's younger brother).
At least I know she's don't cry for mommy anymore. But just now I almost wanted to bring her home , but still can't. There's no one can look after her tomorrow.
Everyone has their busy schedule >.<
I even brought her a new toy ! HEHE :D
Miss her so much !!!!!!!
Okay lah , I'll stop here. Won't blog so often anymore :(
But please continue visiting my blog alright ? Thanks yea !
Bye people and good night :)
My hair looks very fake ! Because I went to dye black my hair.
Which I really want to , I don't like my hair to be colored >.<
So the hair stylist recommend me Black-Blue color , but anyways I don't see any blue also.
Haha :D
Can't be bother so much too , as long as its black again !
Look like I'm wearing a wig right ? Hees >.<
Anyway today was my 2nd off day of the week. Means 1 week I got 2 off day.
Which is so nice to me :)
That's why I had time to do my hair. And morning we went to park way , mom actually brought a new stroller for precious.
Because the old want already spoil I think. This time round we brought much more better than the previous ones and its come with pink color :)
Cost my mom about 200 plus. But I told my mom that I will gave her 100bucks when hubby gave me my allowance for this week.
The stroller is not with me now , so I can't post it up to show you guys. Will do it when the stroller is with me :)
After my hairdo , I actually make myself down all the way to Sambawang and visit my precious.
I really miss her lah !
She actually enjoy so much at Cher's house. HAHA.
Such a relief when I see her playing so happily with Cruz (Cher's younger brother).
At least I know she's don't cry for mommy anymore. But just now I almost wanted to bring her home , but still can't. There's no one can look after her tomorrow.
Everyone has their busy schedule >.<
I even brought her a new toy ! HEHE :D
Miss her so much !!!!!!!
Okay lah , I'll stop here. Won't blog so often anymore :(
But please continue visiting my blog alright ? Thanks yea !
Bye people and good night :)